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Our programs and prices
Detailed description of our programs can be found in the tab WE OFFER
Standard programs
The standard programs take place in the main season April - November, a complete list of scheduled dates can be found in this Reservations tab. On any date there can be several families booked at once (in the case of trekking, each family has it´s own donkey)
Farm visit /person
commented farm visit, discussion about donkeys, petting, demonstration of care, the opportunity to brush and the donkeys, to take pictures, for the children the opportunity to sit in the saddle for a while and do a mini ride in the area (150-250 Kč/child)
children up to 1,99 years free of charge
Duration: 1 hour
300 CZK
Walk with donkey / 2 people
guided farm visit + trekking 3 km: in this program you'll have your own donkey for the entire duration of the program and lead the donkey Yourself. The total duration is 2 hours: 1 hour trekking / 3 km + talking about donkeys and preparation - cleaning, leadership instruction for up to 2 person (with the possibility of riding for children up to 50 kg of weigt).
2 person /1 donke, additional person + 400 Kč/person1 400 Kč
Walk with donkey / family voucher - 2 adulst + 2 childeren
guided farm visit + trekking 3 km: in this program you'll have your own donkey for the entire duration of the program and lead the donkey Yourself. The total duration is 2 hours: 1 hour trekking / 3 km + talking about donkeys and preparation - cleaning, leadership instruction for up to 4 people (with the possibility of riding for children up to 50 kg of weigt).
4 people (max 2 children) / 1 donkey, choice of standard or large French donkey, rider weight up to 50 kg, additional person + 400 Kč/person1 700 Kč
Half-day tour with a picnic / 2 people
guided farm tour + 6 km trek
In this program you can rent a donkey, which you will look after the entire duration of the program
2 persons / 1 donkey, with the possibility of riding for children (when 3 and more persons are booked), rider weight up to 50 kg, total duration approx. 4 hours: preparation - cleaning, saddling, guidance instruction, donkey training and guidance on obstacles (trail park), hike to the nature park approx. 6 km, farm picnic along the way, additional person + 700 Kč/person
Duration: 4 hours
2 990 Kč
Donkey adoption / price per year
discussion about donkeys, demonstration of care, training with donkeys on obstacles, the opportunity to relax and visit the donkeys within "Adoption Hours"
from 1 000 Kč
Individual programs
The date is reserved only for your family/group and is arranged
Individual farm visit / 5 people / 1 hour
commented farm visit, discussion about donkeys, petting, demonstration of care, the opportunity to brush and the donkeys, to take pictures, for the youngest children the opportunity to sit in the saddle for a while and do a mini ride in the area
2 000 Kč
Individual walk with a donkey/ 5 people / 1-2 donkeys* / 2 hours
guided tour of the farm + trekking 3 km: rent your own donkey for the entire duration of the program, you will lead the donkey yourself, have a tour of the farm, take part in discussions + petting and cuddling with donkeys, instruction of leadership and training in donkey management on obstacles (trail park), trekking in the nature park 3 km, max 5 people (3 riding children), total time approx. 2 hours
Duartion: 2 hours
3500 Kč
Individual 1/2 day tour with 1-2 donkeys and a picnic / 5 people / 6 km
guided tour of the farm + trekking 6 km: rent your own donkey for the entire duration of the program, you lead the donkey yourself + tour of the farm, talking, petting and cuddling with donkeys, instruction and training of donkey leadership on obstacles (trail park), high-adrenaline or standard trail, 5 people, farm picnic, approx. 4 hours, 1 - 2 donkeys according to the number of adults with regard to safety, April - October
Duration: 4 hours
7990 Kč
150 Kč
Additional charges
Additional person on the walk
maximum of two extra people on one voucher
400 Kč
Additional person on a half-day tour
maximum of two extra people on one voucher
700 Kč
Additional donkey for a walk / half-day tour
all additional charges can be booked HERE
1 500 / 2 000 Kč
If you are interested in a program which isn't included in the voucher, you can arrange a change, add another participant, etc.